West African ethnic group.
EU Funded (H2020) Research Project.
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1The middle trees have a thin wash of burnt sienna and gamboge.
2The walls are of polished white marble with pilasters of sienna marble.
3I saw a hundred variations on high cheekbones, black hair, sienna skin.
4The picture painted in burnt sienna is relieved by a grateful flash of green.
5It had the shape and size of a crater, lit with a sienna gloom.
6Hair and Eyebrows.-Yellowochre and vandyke brown, or raw sienna.
7Greens and yellows passed into carmine, purple, and burnt sienna.
8Nearer trees a wash of burnt sienna, indigo, and gamboge.
9Trees, distant.-Ultramarine ,witha wash of indigo, gamboge, and burnt sienna, tinted with gray.
10A tenth of sienna earth is added to it if it is not sufficiently deep.
11Passing Gerald, he leaned down to mumble, Burnt sienna?
12More like raw sienna, golden ochre, cadmium yellow, and goldenrod dark...hard to explain the color.
13The theatre itself proved to be attractive, with yellow sienna the dominant color note... View Article
14His colour was good, running to purples, reds, and admirable greens, full of bitumen and raw sienna.
15He shone on the russet tassels of the larches, and the deep sienna boles of the Scotch firs.
16Grass is washed with a mixture of burnt sienna, indigo, and gamboge; that in shadow has more indigo.